15h-16h Check-in
Check-in for the Gathering at “A Gráfica“. Room keys will be handed out during event check-in.
16h-17h45 Masterclass
Opening of the Gathering and Masterclass with Michele Chung: “Conduct Your Life Like a Playback Event – Be the Conductor of Change in the World”
17h45-18h Coffee-break
18h-20h Masterclass
Continuation of the Masterclass
20h-21h Dinner
21h-23h Party
Opening party with music by DJ AGAPE at the Youth Hostel.
08h-09h Breakfast
At the “Pousada da Juventude” (only for participants with residential registration)
09h30-11h30 Workshops
- Conducting in 5 questions [Papéis]
- Técnica da Representação no Teatro Playback [Sado]
- Timing in playback theatre [Raios de Sol]
- Compromiso y retos del actor en la escena [Residências]
11h30-11h45 Coffee-break
11h45-13h45 Workshops
- Lugares seguros: fuentes de fuerza y confianza [Raios de Sol]
- Co(intencionalidade) num ensaio de Teatro Playback [Papéis]
- Introdução ao Teatro Playback [Sado]
- A Falácia da Neutralidade: TP e Justiça Social [Residências]
14h-16h Lunch
Lunch (at “A Gráfica”) and Traditional Jazz Performance with Tó Pacheco & Jaime Almeida (15h30-16h00).

16h-17h30 Roundtable
Palestine: Between the Rubble and Hope (Art, Identity, and Resistance)
17h30-17h45 Coffee-break
17h45-19h45 Workshops
- Trabajando metafóricamente con las cicatrices del trauma, desde el TP [Papéis]
- Teatro Playback Psicoterapêutico (TPP) [Sado]
- Caminos de Autodescubrimiento: Empatizando con la Adolescencia LGBTIQ+ [Residências]
20h-21h30 Dinner
21h30-23h Performance
Playback Theatre performance open to the general public (no registration required, free admission). Featuring representatives from different Playback Theatre groups of the Iberian Peninsula.
08h30-10h Breakfast
At the “Pousada da Juventude” (only for participants with residential registration)
10h30-12h30 Workshops
- Teatro Espontáneo de La Habana, un TP “aplatanado” con todos y para el bien de todos [Residências]
- Profundizando en la formas largas [Sado]
- Light and Shadow: on the things we love and the things we don’t love about PT [Papéis]
- Dança no TP como movimento de resistência [Raios de Sol]
12h30-12h45 Coffee-break
12h45-13h45 Closing
Closing ritual of the Gathering
13h45-14h45 Lunch
14h45-15h45 Assembly
General Assembly of the Iberian Playback Theatre Association (AITP). Exclusive to AITP members.